Eastern Rosella: Care, Diet and Breeding


Eastern Rosellas, scientifically known as Platycercus eximius, are a colorful and charming species of parrots found in southeastern Australia. People keep them as pets, but Eastern Rosellas also thrive in the wild. This article will explore the physical characteristics, behavior, natural habitat, captivity and care, diet and nutrition, breeding, health, joint conditions, mutations, training, and socialization of Eastern Rosellas.

Common NameEastern Rosella
Scientific NamePlatycercus eximius
DietSeeds, fruits, flowers, insects
Group NameParakeets or Parrots
Average Lifespan5-8 years in the wild, up to 20 years in captivity
Size28-32 cm (11-12.5 in) in length
Weight80-100 grams (2.8-3.5 oz)
Eastern Rosella

Physical Characteristics

Eastern Rosellas are famous for their vibrant plumage in various colors, including red, blue, yellow, green, and black. They are medium-sized birds, measuring around 30cm long and weighing between 100-130g. Although males are usually larger, males and females have a similar appearance.
These birds have a distinct appearance: redhead, white cheeks, blue cheeks and ear coverts, yellow breast, green back, and blue wings with black flight feathers. The tail is also blue, with a black band near the tip. They have strong, hooked beaks perfect for cracking seeds and nuts.
III. Behavior and Personality
Eastern Rosellas are known for their energetic and lively personalities. They are active birds that require ample space to move around and play. They are also sociable and enjoy the company of other birds, particularly their species. They can often be seen in small flocks or pairs in the wild.
These birds are intelligent and can be trained to perform various tricks and behaviors. Prospective owners should be aware that while Eastern Rosellas can be affectionate and friendly, they can also be loud and require attention. Without proper handling, they may nip, so building a positive relationship early on is crucial.

Natural Habitat and Distribution

Eastern Rosellas are native to southeastern Australia, including Tasmania. They prefer open woodlands, forests, and farmlands, where they can find food and shelter. They are also known to inhabit urban areas such as parks and gardens.
These birds feed on seeds, fruits, flowers, and insects in the wild. They are cavity nesters and often use tree hollows or crevices as nesting sites. Eastern Rosellas are not migratory birds and can be found in their native range throughout the year.

Captivity and Care

Eastern Rosellas are famous pets due to their colorful plumage and engaging personalities. They require ample space and can be housed in aviaries or cages. A single bird needs a minimum cage size of 30″ x 24″ x 36″, but more prominent is always preferable.
To meet their nutritional needs, Eastern Rosellas should have a diverse diet comprising quality pellets, fresh vegetables, fruits, and occasional treats like seeds and nuts—additionally, supplement with a cuttlebone or mineral block for calcium.
Proper care and attention are essential for keeping Eastern Rosellas healthy and happy. Regular veterinary check-ups and a clean and stimulating environment with toys and perches are recommended.

Diet and Nutrition

Eastern Rosellas require a balanced and varied diet to maintain good health. A high-quality pellet should form the basis of their diet, supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, grapes, broccoli, and carrots.
Nuts and seeds should be offered in moderation as they are high in fat. A cuttlebone or mineral block should be provided for additional calcium, and fresh water should always be available.


Eastern Rosellas reach sexual maturity at around one to two years of age. They are monogamous birds that typically mate for life. Breeding season in the wild occurs from August to January, but captive birds can breed year-round.
These birds are cavity nesters and will readily accept a nesting box or other suitable enclosure for breeding. The female will lay four to six eggs, which she will incubate for around 20 to 23 days. Both parents will care for the hatchlings, which will fledge at approximately five to six weeks of age.
Breeding Eastern Rosellas requires careful planning and preparation to ensure the birds and their offspring’s health and well-being. Providing a spacious and suitable nesting environment, a nutritious diet, and proper veterinary care is essential. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid inbreeding and ensure that the birds have the genetic diversity to prevent health issues in future generations.

Health & Common Conditions

Keeping Eastern Rosellas in optimal health requires diligent care and attention to their well-being. One of this species’ most common health concerns is Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD), a viral infection that can cause severe feather and beak damage. This disease is highly contagious and can be spread through feather dust and other forms of bird-to-bird contact. Symptoms of PBFD include abnormal feather growth, beak malformations, and a weakened immune system. If you suspect that your Eastern Rosella may have PBFD, you must consult with a veterinarian immediately.
Another common health issue affecting Eastern Rosellas is Aspergillosis, a fungal infection that can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. This condition is often caused by exposure to damp or moldy environments, so keeping your bird’s living area clean and dry is crucial. Signs of Aspergillosis include lethargy, difficulty breathing, and decreased appetite. If you suspect your bird may be suffering from Aspergillosis, seeking veterinary care is critical.
In addition to these specific conditions, Eastern Rosellas are susceptible to various other health problems, such as parasitic infections, bacterial infections, and nutritional deficiencies. Providing your bird with regular veterinary check-ups and proper nutrition is crucial to prevent health problems and ensure its well-being.


Eastern Rosellas are known for their striking and colorful plumage, which includes a bright red head, neck, and chest, with patches of blue and green on their wings and back. However, selective breeding has developed a range of mutations, resulting in an array of colors and patterns beyond the bird’s natural scope.
Some of the most popular mutations include the lutino, a yellow or white bird with pink eyes, and the pied with white patches on its body. Other transformations include the blue, cinnamon, and yellow-faced varieties. It’s crucial to understand that these mutations can have eye-catching appearances but can also cause health issues like weaker immune systems and susceptibility to specific diseases. Therefore, it is essential only to purchase birds from reputable breeders and be aware of the potential risks of owning a mutated Eastern Rosella.

Training and Socialization

Eastern Rosellas are intelligent birds that can be trained to perform a range of tricks and behaviors. However, training should always be done positively and reward-based, as punishment or negative reinforcement can harm their health and well-being.
In addition to training, socialization is also crucial for Eastern Rosellas. These birds are naturally social and thrive in environments where they can interact with other birds and humans. Therefore, it is essential to provide plenty of socialization opportunities, such as playtime outside their cage and regular interaction with their owners.


In conclusion, Eastern Rosellas are fascinating and colorful birds that make excellent pets for those willing to provide the proper care and attention. From their unique physical characteristics to engaging personalities and behaviors, these birds will captivate their owners and bring joy. However, as with any pet, it is essential to research, provide proper nutrition and healthcare, and provide plenty of socialization and training opportunities to ensure that your Eastern Rosella lives a happy and healthy life.

FAQs about Eastern Rosella

Q: Are Eastern Rosellas noisy birds?

A: While Eastern Rosellas are not known for being particularly loud, they can still produce a range of vocalizations, including whistles, chirps, and squawks.

Q: Are Eastern Rosellas good pets for beginners?

A: While Eastern Rosellas are generally considered friendly and easy to care for, they still require significant attention and care. As with any pet, potential owners must research and understand the commitment necessary to properly care for a bird. Working with a reputable breeder or adopting from a rescue organization can also provide valuable support and resources for first-time bird owners.

Q: How can I tell if my Eastern Rosella is male or female?

A: Male and female Eastern Rosellas have very similar physical characteristics, and it can be challenging to determine their sex based on appearance alone. However, a DNA test can be performed to determine the bird’s sex with certainty.

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